10th July 2000
3rd July 2000
Knight Rider makes and maintains an impression.
26th June 2000
There are ways to punctuate communications. This isn't one of them.
12th June 2000
Iffy radio competitions, and where they might orignate from.
5th June 2000
Lessons from a 40th birthday party, including when not to put your hands in the air.
29th May 2000
22nd May 2000
15th May 2000
Sugar and coffee are two entirely different things. Please keep them that way.
1st May 2000
One of our writers was unfortunate enough to discover that Alka Seltzer had a factory on the banks of Loch Lomond.
24th April 2000
10th April 2000
3rd April 2000
The daftest questions asked of the Scottish Tourist Board.
27th March 2000
20th March 2000
13th March 2000
6th March 2000
28th February 2000
21st February 2000
14th February 2000
7th February 2000
31st January 2000
Why must dentists ask you questions when they have their hands stuck in your mouth?
24th January 2000
Next time you will take the rubbish out instead of making a smart remark to your wife.
17th January 2000
10th January 2000
Getting past any Y2K issues with an Etch-A-Sketch.
3rd January 2000
Start of a new century? Arguably nothing special either.